Zu Gast in der eigenen Heimat: "Neubeginn im Frieden. Euskirchen 1945-1961"

May 18, 2025


Action day of sights and excursion destinations. Be enchanted by the beauty of nature, discover places of art and history or take a look behind otherwise closed doors. Guests from near and far receive discounts of up to 50 percent or free admission.

Special exhibition "A new beginning in peace. Euskirchen 1945-1961 "
The new exhibition "A new beginning in peace. Euskirchen 1945-1961". Numerous objects, photos and documents illustrate the special living conditions at the end of the Second World War and in the years that followed. In the permanent exhibition on the history of the town, there are many historical photos and great exhibits to discover, such as the large model of the town, a side bayonet or an account book from the 18th century.

Time: 11.00-18.00 Museum, 11.00 and 13.00 Guided tour of the special exhibition
Regular price museum: 2€ adult, 1€ reduced
Regular price special exhibition: 5€ adult, 2,50€ reduced
Special price: free of charge

Stadtmuseum Euskirchen
Wilhelmstr. 32-34
53881 Euskirchen

mehr lesen pdf: Flyer As a guest in your own homeland

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At a glance


  • May 18, 2025
    11:00 to 18:00
    and 11:30 to 12:30
    and 13:00 to 14:00


Wilhemstr. 32-34
53879 Euskirchen


Stadtmuseum Euskirchen
Wilhemstr. 32-34
53879 Euskirchen
Phone: (0049) 02251 6507438

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