Zu Gast in der eigenen Heimat: 2.000 Jahre Stadtgeschichte

May 18, 2025


Action day of sights and excursion destinations. Be enchanted by the beauty of nature, discover places of art and history or take a look behind otherwise closed doors. Guests from near and far receive discounts of up to 50 percent or free admission.

2,000 years of city history
The city tour offers a journey through time from antiquity to the present day: it begins with the founding of the city in Roman times and leads from the thermal baths past St. Peter's Church and the Landesburg to the recently rebuilt gate tower of the Weiertor. The tour continues through the city center via the market square, with explanations of the destruction and reconstruction caused by the war, as well as information on the museums founded in the recent past.

Time: 11.00-12.30
Special price: free of charge
Regular price: 5€ adult.

Registration required by May 16 to stadtfuehrung@stadt-zuelpich.de

Stadt Zülpich
Markt 21
53909 Zülpich
02252. 520

mehr lesen pdf: Flyer As a guest in your own homeland

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  • Only at May 18, 2025
    At 11:00


Andreas-Broicher-Platz 1
53909 Zülpich


Stadt Zülpich
Markt 21
53909 Zülpich
Phone: (0049) 2252 52212
Fax: (0049) 2252 52299

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