Zu Gast in der eigenen Heimat: Ein Blick hinter Klostermauern

May 18, 2025


Action day of sights and excursion destinations. Be enchanted by the beauty of nature, discover places of art and history or take a look behind otherwise closed doors. Guests from near and far receive discounts of up to 50 percent or free admission.

A look behind monastery walls
Visit one of the best-preserved monastic monuments in the Rhineland! The basilica is world-famous for its unique royal organ from 1727. Let yourself be transported back to the time of Henry I (919-936) on a guided tour of the basilica and cloister.
The second tour also gives you a unique insight into the running of the monastery. The monastery also opens its new guest house and the newly created seminar rooms for you.

Guided tours: 2.00 pm (basilica and cloister), duration: 2 hours; 3.30 pm (basilica, cloister and monastery), duration: 1-1.5 hours.
Meeting point: monastery gate
Regular price: €3 adults, 2€ reduced, free for children under 18
Special price: free of charge

Salvatorianer-Kloster Steinfeld
Hermann-Josef-Str. 4
53925 Kall-Steinfeld
02441. 88910

mehr lesen pdf: Flyer As a guest in your own homeland

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At a glance


  • May 18, 2025
    14:00 to 16:00
    and 15:30 to 16:30


Hermann-Josef-Str. 4
53925 Kall-Steinfeld


Kloster Steinfeld
Hermann-Josef-Str. 4
53925 Kall-Steinfeld
Phone: (0049) 2441 889131
Fax: (0049) 2441 889128

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