Zu Gast in der eigenen Heimat: 2.000 Jahre Badekultur
May 18, 2025
Action day of sights and excursion destinations. Be enchanted by the beauty of nature, discover places of art and history or take a look behind otherwise closed doors. Guests from near and far receive discounts of up to 50 percent or free admission.
2,000 years of bathing culture
The museum presents the cultural history of bathing in an exhibition that is unique in Europe. Based on the best-preserved Roman thermal bath complex of its kind north of the Alps, the exhibition spans from antiquity to the present day. Visit the Roman thermal baths and join the free guided tour through the permanent exhibition. Beforehand, you can get creative and make your own mosaic to take home in a workshop.
Museum: 11.00-18.00
Workshop: 14.00-15.00
Guided tour: 15.00-16.00
Special price: free museum + guided tour, €3.50 workshop
Römerthermen Zülpich
Andreas-Broicher-Platz 1
53909 Zülpich
02252. 83806100