Zu Gast in der eigenen Heimat: Blick in die röm. Brandkalkherstellung
May 18, 2025
Bad Münstereifel
Action day of sights and excursion destinations. Be enchanted by the beauty of nature, discover places of art and history or take a look behind otherwise closed doors. Guests from near and far receive discounts of up to 50 percent or free admission.
A look at Roman quicklime production
Visit one of the most important archaeological sites from Roman times north of the Alps, the Roman lime kiln in Iversheim. It was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in July 2021. Roman building sites required large quantities of building lime for the production of mortar, which was distilled from limestone or dolomite. The northern foothills of the Kalkeifel near Iversheim were the closest quarrying area to the Roman building sites in the towns and military camps on the Rhine.
Museum: 11.00-16.00
Guided tours: 11.00-15.00, every hour on the hour, duration: approx. 1 hour
Regular price: 4€ adults, free for children up to 14 years
Special price: 50% discount
Römische Kalkbrennerei Iversheim
Kalkarer Weg
53902 Bad Münstereifel
02253. 3385