Wir vertreiben den traurigen Winter!

Mar 29, 2025


We bid farewell to witches, wizards, ghost riders and other dark creatures for the summer break and fairies, flower children, goblins and good spirits take over for the beautiful summer season.

During the day, the magical program is adapted to the light conditions and in the evening, mysterious, romantic lights create an atmospheric ambience. If you get tired and hungry during this colourful hustle and bustle, you can remedy this with all kinds of tasty treats.
With tasty food and drinks, baking bread on a stick, face painting, light riders, the wonderful fantasy figures of Pantao, dinosaurs and many other surprises, children and the young at heart welcome spring and the awakening of the bright and colorful nature after the long winter.

Our strong "animal team" with the many young animals born during this time also warms the hearts and inspires young and old. The fascinating birds of prey are already looking forward to long flights in the mild spring air. For the first time this year, the 4 p.m. flight program will take place again and the "Eagle Express" will open the 2025 season, weather permitting. Our "Punch and Judy" will also have finished his winter break and will conjure up happy faces with fresh ideas.

Time: 10.00-21.00
Costs: 15€ adults, 12€ children up to 14 years
Location: Hellenthal, Birds of Prey Station, Wildfreigehege 1
Info-Tel.: 02482. 7240 or 02482. 2292
E-Mail: info@greifvogelstation-hellenthal.de

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  • Only at March 29, 2025
    At 10:00


Wildfreigehege 1
53940 Hellenthal


Greifvogelstation & Wildfreigehege Hellenthal
Wildfreigehege 1
53940 Hellenthal
Phone: (0049) 2482 7240
Fax: (0049) 2482 7428

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