Wasser für Colonia
Oct 12, 2025
The Romans spared neither expense nor effort to supply their provincial capital Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium, today's Cologne, with the best drinking water from the Eifel. At almost 100 km long, the Eifel water pipeline, which begins at the "Grüner Pütz" near Nettersheim, is one of the longest pipelines in the Roman Empire. You can find out more about this technical masterpiece and its builders during an introduction in the archaeological exhibition in the Eifel Nature Center and a subsequent hike (approx. 8 km) to the "Grüner Pütz" well.
Course leader: Julia Rückert, archaeologist M.A.
Time: 14.00-17.00
Cost: €9.00 adults, €6.50 children up to 14 years, €27.00 family (2 adults + 2 children)
Location: Nettersheim, Naturzentrum Eifel, Urftstr. 2-4
Info-Tel.: 02486. 1246
E-Mail: naturzentrum@nettersheim.de
Registration required by 09.10. !