Was reift denn da? Spätlese in Sachen Grünzeug
Oct 26, 2025
Sloe punch and Eifel olives, the little man in the forest and rosehip pralines: after this hike to the wild fruits, you will appreciate the harvest season in a whole new way.
Course leader: Christiane Alexa, herbal educator
Time: 14.00-16.30
Cost: €8.50 adults, €6.50 children up to 14 years, €24.00 family (2 adults + 2 children)
Location: Nettersheim, Naturzentrum Eifel, Urftstraße 2-4
Info-Tel.: 02486. 1246
E-Mail: naturzentrum@nettersheim.de
Registration required by 24.10. !