Silvesterwanderungen Eifelverein OG Schmidtheim
Dec 31, 2025
Guided hike with the Eifelverein OG Schmidtheim with or without alpaca/lama.
1st alternative in Schmidtheim: 14 km, medium/difficult, 10.00 am.
WaFü: Guido Wawer
2nd alternative in Schmidtheim, with alpaca/lama, 4-5 km, easy, 14.00 hrs.
WaFü: Ute and Lothar Bieder
from 3.00 p.m. end-of-year retreat in the parish hall
Time: 10.00 a.m. or 2.00 p.m.
Cost: free, carpooling fee if applicable
Location: Dahlem-Schmidtheim, village square, Hauptstr. 65
Info tel.: 02447. 8784 and 02447. 8149