Obstbaumpflege - Sommerschnitt
Sep 6, 2025
Orchards are a valuable part of our cultural landscape. The majority of the orchards that still exist on the outskirts of villages are endangered by construction work or other interventions. Without ongoing care, maintenance and management, these typical cultural biotopes cannot be preserved in the long term. In addition, the history of these cultural biotopes and their ecological significance are presented. A long-term perspective of orchard protection is presented in the marketing of fruit products.
Course instructor:in: N.N.
Time: 13.00-17.00
Cost: 10€
Location: Nettersheim, Naturzentrum Eifel, Urftstraße 2-4
Info-Tel.: 02486. 1246
E-Mail: naturzentrum@nettersheim.de
Registration until 02.09.