Müll ist nicht gleich Abfall! Ein Upcycling-Projekt

Apr 16, 2025 - Oct 10, 2025


"Reuse, reduce, recycle" - most people know this slogan by now, but how can it be applied to everyday life? Here you will learn how you can practically reuse old materials. Instead of throwing them away, we create something useful or beautiful for everyday life. You'll be surprised how easy it is to turn waste into something useful with a little creativity and teamwork. Create and learn together and counteract the rapidly growing mountains of garbage - ideal for families who enjoy sustainability.
The program is aimed at families with children aged 8 and over.

Course leader: research assistant at the Nature Center

Time: 2.00 - 4.30 p.m.
Cost: €8.50 adults, €6.50 children up to 14 years, €24 family (2 adults + 2 children) plus €1.00 materials
Location: Nettersheim, Naturzentrum Eifel, Urftstr. 2-4
Info-Tel.: 02486. 1246
E-Mail: naturzentrum@nettersheim.de

Registration required by 14.04./08.10. !

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At a glance


  • April 16, 2025
    14:00 to 16:30
  • October 10, 2025
    14:00 to 16:30


Urftstr. 2-4
53947 Nettersheim


Naturzentrum Eifel
Urftstr. 2-4
53947 Nettersheim
Phone: (0049) 2486 1246

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