Kurkonzert mit der Big Band der Feuerwehr Stolberg
Sep 28, 2025
Big Band of the Stolberg Fire Brigade
The Big Band of the Stolberg Fire Brigade is a renowned wind orchestra with currently around 20 musicians.
In 2008, the band, which was founded in 1958, celebrated its 50th anniversary.
Karl Schäfer is the musical and organizational director of the orchestra.
Many performances have made the orchestra well-known and popular in Stolberg and throughout Germany.
The unforgettable trips to NRW, Cuxhaven, Lake Constance and the Bavarian Forest are evidence of this.
A special, historic event was the reunification celebration in our twin town of Stolberg in the Harz Mountains in 1990, in which the marching band played a part.
In addition to many spa concerts in Aachen and in the Eifel spa towns of Heimbach and Schleiden-Gemünd and musical events in and around Stolberg, the traditional open-air Christmas concert on December 24 at Stolberg Castle (for the 60th time in 2018) is becoming increasingly popular.
In addition, the Big Band has for many years provided the musical theme for the New Year's matinee at the Zinkhütter Museum in Stolberg as a prelude to the major three-day event "Stolberg Goes...", which takes place around the historic Stolberg Castle every summer .
The standard repertoire at the concerts ranges from classical music to modern and upmarket light music and dance music.
As camaraderie also plays an important role in the band, trips lasting several days were also undertaken to Gemünd in August 2001, to Fischen in the Allgäu in May 2003 and to Trier in August 2006, as well as to the Vulkaneifel in 2016.
We are also happy to look for new fellow musicians who would like to join our group.
Rehearsals take place every Thursday from 7.30 to 9 p.m. in the Josefshaus on Kaplan-Dunkel-Platz in Stolberg-Mühle.