Kaspar und die verhexte Hexe

May 7, 2025


"Kasper and the bewitched witch" is the name of the hand puppet show for children aged two and over. The play is performed with original hand-carved wooden puppets from Hohnstein.
Witch Wackelzahn, robber Raffzahn, Princess Siebenschön, Kasper's grandmother and the magician Zappenduster and of course Kasperle, the friend of all children, want to take young and old audiences into the realm of fantasy and delight them with a puppet show that is as funny as it is exciting.

Further information about the puppet theater and ticket reservations can be made in advance at www.pommispuppen.com

Time: 16.00-17.00
Cost: €10
Location: Dahlem-Schmidtheim, Bürgerhaus, Bahhofstr. 58
Info phone: 0171. 4163304
Email: pommispuppen@freenet.de

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  • Only at May 7, 2025
    At 16:00


Bahnhofstr. 58
53949 Dahlem-Schmidtheim


Pommi´s Puppencircus
Karolingerstr. 7
53925 Kall
Phone: (0049) 2441 7909001

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