Johann König - Wer Pläne macht wird ausgelacht!

Sep 5, 2025


Cool in analysis, warm in poetry, hot in performance - Johann König's current solo program once again promises varied entertainment. On Friday, September 5, 2025, the exceptional comedian will be presenting his latest stage play "Wer Pläne macht wird ausgelacht" for the second time at the Stadttheater Euskirchen.

Johann König was never really drawn to the stage. He wanted to be a teacher. A sports teacher for biology and science. That was the plan. But this plan didn't work out. After 19 semesters, the audience forced him to devote himself entirely to humor with their affection and money. This led him straight onto the slippery slope of cultivated evening entertainment, from which there is no turning back. And today? Today he laughs about it - just like the audience laughs about him.

The guy, the depressive mood cannon, is now fifty years old. Many people look younger at 50, but feel older. It's exactly the opposite with the King. At 50, many people think they have to change everything. Or change everything. Johann changes everything AND stays true to himself. Many people start drinking eggnog at this age. Johann has chickens.

In his new program, he asks the pressing questions of our time: Does the house really get smaller when the children get bigger? How do you genderize an abandoned ladies' bicycle? Does the speed limit also apply to handkerchiefs? And is it still okay to say "what can you actually say?"?

The best long-term plans are those that are short-term. The plan should be to stop making plans. Except, of course, a comprehensive tour plan

Time: from 8 p.m.
Cost: €44.90
Location: Euskirchen, Stadttheater, Emil-Fischer-Str. 25
Info phone: 02405.40860

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  • Only at September 5, 2025
    At 20:00


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