Figurentheater: Hey, hier kommt Pippi Langstrumpf
Mar 20, 2025
The Figurentheater Köln presents the children's book classic by Astrid Lindgren.
Her real name is Pippilotta Victualia Rollgardina Pfefferminz Efraimstochter Langstrumpf But her friends are only allowed to call her Pippi - she has moved into Villa Kunterbunt with her horse and the monkey Mr. Nilsson. To the great delight of Annika and Thomas, the neighboring children, because Pippi is super strong, wonderfully ill-mannered and she lies through her teeth. Pippi's mother died when she was very young and her father was washed out to sea in a storm and disappeared, but Pippi firmly believes that he will come to take her on an adventure.
Time: 16.00
Cost: €6 adults, €4 children
Location: Euskirchen, City Library, Wilhelmstr. 32-34
Info tel.: 02251. 772460