Festliches Treiben auf der Burg: Tanzen und Musik
Mar 21, 2025
"Have you always wanted to know how people celebrated as damsels and knights, counts and countesses back then? Then join us as we explore exactly that. Of course, that means we'll be celebrating in exactly the same way!"
What music was played at festivities in the castle? What did people wear on festive occasions and how did they dance? All children between the ages of 6 and 12 are cordially invited to gather these experiences and find out for themselves how festivities took place at a castle in the Middle Ages.
Time: 15.00-17.30
Cost: free
Location: Blankenheim, Eifelmuseum, Ahrstr. 55-57
Info-Tel.: 02449. 87223
E-Mail: touristinfo@blankenheim.de
Registration required!