Der Imkerin über die Schulter geschaut

Jun 29, 2025


When and why do bees swarm? What is royal jelly used for? What is a queen cell? How does bee language work? We will get answers to these and many other questions about the interesting life of the honey bee and the varied work involved in beekeeping. The beekeeper Agathe Kozok will be available to answer questions and provide information during the specified period (open event, no fixed start time). The important tasks and functions of the "domestic animal" honey bee in the natural balance are explained and the organization of the bee colony is explained directly at the beehive. The venue is the apiary on the dandelion adventure trail (Blankenheimer Straße).

Instructor: Agathe Kozok, biologist

Time: 14.00-16.00
Cost: free
Location: Nettersheim, apiary at the dandelion adventure trail, Blankenheimer Str.
Info-Tel: 02486. 1246

Registration required by 27.06.!

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  • Only at June 29, 2025
    At 14:00


Blankenheimer Strasse
53947 Nettersheim


Naturzentrum Eifel
Urftstr. 2-4
53947 Nettersheim
Phone: (0049) 2486 1246

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