Das kleine Gelb im großen Grün - Was vom frischen Bunt in den Frühlingssalat dar

Apr 21, 2025


We don't necessarily need to bite into a lemon to enjoy a vitamin C boost. During a walk around Nettersheim, we keep an eye out for the first green and colorful vitamins. We look for the scurvy herb and other heralds of spring to give our spring awakening a boost.

Course leader Christiane Alexa, herbalist

Time: 14.00-16.30
Cost: €8.50 adults, €6.50 children up to 14 years, €24.00 family (2 adults + 2 children)
Location: Nettersheim, Naturzentrum Eifel, Urftstr.2-4
Info-Tel.: 02486. 1246
E-Mail: naturzentrum@nettersheim.de

Registration required by 17.04.!

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  • Only at April 21, 2025
    At 14:00


Urftstr. 2-4
53947 Nettersheim


Naturzentrum Eifel
Urftstr. 2-4
53947 Nettersheim
Phone: (0049) 2486 1246

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