Vogelsang IP


Informationen zur Barrierefreiheit
Informationen zur Barrierefreiheit
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In the middle of the Eifel National Park, you’ll find the 100 hectare site of the former National Socialist “Ordensburg” fortress called Vogelsang. After the Second World War, it became a training ground for British, and then Belgian, troops.
Since it was opened in 2006 as a model project, “Vogelsang IP | International Place”, the site has developed into a multi-layered, international culture and education centre, a place of learning outside the classroom and an unusual event and conference location.

In September 2016, the new visitor’s and exhibition centre, the Forum Vogelsang IP, was opened. The two main exhibitions are the documentation of the National Socialist period, “Destiny: Master Race. National Socialist Ordensburgen - Both Fascination and Crime” and the adventure exhibition “Wilderness Dreams” organised by the Eifel National Park Centre.

The new Vogelsang IP Forum also has a seminar and conference centre, a restaurant with an unusual view of the landscape, and a viewing platform on the 48 metre-high historic tower.

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At a glance

Opening hours

  • From January 1st to December 31st
    10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Barrierefreie Austattungsmerkmale

All areas relevant for testing meet the quality criteria of the label "Accessibility certified - accessible for people with visual impairments and blind people".

Some information on accessibility are listed below. For detailed information please see the evaluation report at the end of the text.

  • Assistance dogs are allowed.
  • The entrance is visually rich in contrast and can be recognized by a tactile change of floor covering.
  • The house signage is designed in clearly legible, high-contrast lettering.
  • Glass doors are available in the entrance area. These open automatically, they are marked with safety markings.
  • There are no carousel or rotary doors.
  • Rooms and corridors are brightly lit.
  • In the elevator (foyer to the toilet) the confirmation of an emergency call is made acoustically. The stopping position is announced by speech.
  • Indoors and outdoors, the footpaths are partly marked with tactile markings or the walls can be used as orientation guidelines.
  • Guided tours are offered for visually impaired people and blind people.
  • Guest guides are trained in such a way that guests with visual impairments and blind guests can take part in any guided tour and are responsive to their concerns. An audio guide is available which can be operated independently by people with visual impairment / blind people.
Prüfbericht: Sehbehinderung / Blinde

All areas relevant for testing meet the quality criteria of the label "Accessibility certified - accessible for people with cognitive impairments".

Some information on accessibility are listed below. For detailed information please see the evaluation report at the end of the text.

  • The name and logo are clearly recognizable from the outside.
  • There is no colour or pictorial control system available.
  • There is information in easy language.
  • There are no guided tours offered for guests with cognitive impairments.
Prüfbericht: Kognitive Beeinträchtigungen

All areas relevant for testing meet the quality criteria of the label "Accessibility certified - partially accessible for people with hearing impairment and deaf people".

Some information on accessibility are listed below. For detailed information please see the evaluation report at the end of the text.

  • There is an audio induction loop.
  • In the event of an audible alarm, no visually perceptible flashing or flashing signal appears.
  • In the elevator (foyer to the toilet), the outgoing emergency call is confirmed visually. Alternatively, stairs are available.
  • Guided tours are offered for people with hearing impairments and deaf people. For guided tours in German Sign Language reservation is required.
Prüfbericht: Hörbehinderung / Gehörlose

All areas relevant for testing meet the quality criteria of the label "Accessibility certified - accessible for people with walking disabilities and wheelchair users".

Some information on accessibility are listed below. For detailed information please see the evaluation report at the end of the text.

  • Four marked parking spaces are available for people with disabilities (parking space size: 350 cm x 500 cm; distance to the entrance approx. 170 m).
  • The path between the parking lot or the Vogelsang IP Forum bus stop and the entrance is easy to walk on and drive on and has a maximum gradient of 3 %.
  • Access to the building is step less (door threshold 1.5 cm).
  • All evaluated rooms that are available to the guest are at ground level or accessible by elevator.
  • The elevator in the foyer to the toiletim UG is 135 cm x 245 cm (width x depth).
  • The cash and information counter is 85 cm high at the lowest point. Various guided tours can be booked here.
  • The paths to be used during the tours are sometimes not easy to walk or drive on. Several stages or increases of up to 10 % have to be mastered.

Public toilet for people with disabilities in the foyer in the basement

  • The manoeuvring space is as follows:
    left of toilet 89 cm x 70 cm, right 88 cm x 70 cm;
    in front of toilet, sink and door 145 cm x 189 cm.
  • Both sides of the toilet are equipped with folding handles.
  • The washbasin is wheelchair compatible and the mirror can be seen while standing or sitting.
  • There is an alarm trigger (cord).

Public toilet for people with disabilities at the restaurant

  • The manoeuvring space is as follows:
    left of toilet 94 cm x 70 cm, right 97 cm x 70 cm;
    in front of toilet and sink 145 cm x 160 cm;
    at the door 139 cm x 240 cm.
  • Both sides of the toilet are equipped with folding handles.
  • The washbasin is wheelchair compatible and the mirror can be seen while standing or sitting.
  • An alarm trigger (cord) is present.
Prüfbericht: GehbehinderungPrüfbericht: Rollstuhlfahrer

Zertifiziert im Zeitraum:
December 2024 - November 2027
Barrierefreiheit geprüft




Vogelsang IP
Vogelsang 70
53937 Schleiden
Phone: (0049) 2444 915790
Fax: (0049) 2444 9157929

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